* Minor update: (240807) - general code refresh, - update actions for compatibility with sherpa, - improve message format. * Minor update: (240205) - Include actual OS type when reporting error. * Minor update: (240126) - Change displayname to show as OS utility. * Minor update: (230503) - Add 'status' action. * Minor update: (230309) - Ensure compatibility with 'qpkg_service' utility. * Minor update: (230214) - Updated package icon. * Minor update: (230112) - Updated ref to myqnap.org * Minor update: (220809) - Include service script operation status logging. * Minor update: (220806) - Add support for QTS 5.0.0 App Center. * Minor update: (201219b) - Ensure app icon is enabled in QTS 4.5.1. * Minor update: (201219) - Add support for QTS 4.5.1 App Center. ** Major update: (180331) - Switched to version-agnostic CSS patch. - Thanks to Christophe from the Qnapclub Store for the suggestion! * Minor update: (180330) - Add system log entry. If patching fails, also record QTS version. ** Major update: (180328) - Don't backup original file if backup exists. - Now compatible with QTS 4.3.4 * Minor update: (180326) - Changed package icon. * Initial release: (180325) - First public release.