# Magnum 1.3.0 parameter file # DO NOT CHANGE THESE -- USED BY WORKFLOW threads = 0 MS_data_file = yourData.mzML #users specify their data here. database = SearchDatabase.fasta #users specify their proteins here. results_path = . #path must exist. Use '.' for current working directory. export_pepXML = 1 #0=no, 1=yes export_percolator = 1 #0=no, 1=yes percolator_version = 3.05 MS1_centroid = 1 #0=no, 1=yes MS2_centroid = 1 #0=no, 1=yes split_percolator = 0 #0=no, 1=yes # # Parameters describing data analyzed by Magnum # instrument = 0 #0=Orbitrap, 1=FTICR MS1_resolution = 60000 #resolution at 400 m/z, value ignored if data are centroided MS2_resolution = 15000 #resolution at 400 m/z, value ignored if data are centroided # # Amino acid search modification. Use uppercase amino acid letters. n=peptide N-terminus, c=peptide C-terminus # #fixed_modification = C 57.02146 #fixed modifications are applied to all amino acid instances. #fixed_modification_protN = 15.994915 #fixed modifications to protN are applied to all protein N-termini. #fixed_modification_protN = 15.994915 #fixed modifications to protC are applied to all protein C-termini. #modification = M 15.994915 #modifications are possible (differential) mass alterations. #modification = N 0.984016 #use multiple modification (and fixed_modification) lines for each possible modification mass. #modification_protN = 42.010565 #modifications to protN are differential on protein N-termini. #modification_protC = 15.994915 #modifications to protC are differential on protein C-termini. max_mods_per_peptide = 2 #limit the number of modifications on a peptide (does not include fixed_modifications) #aa_mass = X 101.074328 #overwrite the default mass on any amino acid. Useful for adding non-canonical amino acids to your search. # # Digestion enzyme rules: see http://magnum-ms.org/param/enzyme.html # enzyme = [KR]|{P} Trypsin #must specify rule, followed by enzyme name. max_miscleavages = 2 #number of missed enzyme cleavages to allow. # # Scoring Algorithm Parameters: specifies resolution and fragment ions to search. # # fragment_bin_offset and fragment_bin_size influence algorithm precision and memory usage. # They should be set appropriately for the data analyzed. # For ion trap ms/ms: 1.0005 size, 0.4 offset # For high res ms/ms: 0.03 size, 0.0 offset fragment_bin_size = 0.03 #in m/z units fragment_bin_offset = 0.0 #between 0.0 and 1.0 ion_series_A = 0 #0=do not search, #1=search ion_series_B = 1 ion_series_C = 0 ion_series_X = 0 ion_series_Y = 1 ion_series_Z = 0 #Z-dot values are used # # Search Space Prameters: specifies breadth of data analysis. # decoy_filter = random #identifier for all decoys in the database. e_value_depth = 3000 #robustness of e-value histogram. Larger number improves e-value estimates, but increases computation time. min_adduct_mass = 10.0 #lowest allowed adduct mass in Daltons. max_adduct_mass = 500.0 #highest allowed adduct mass in Daltons. ppm_tolerance_pre = 25.0 #mass tolerance on precursor when searching (in ppm) precursor_refinement = 1 #0 = off, 1 = attempt to correct precursor prediction errors from MS1 scan. isotope_error = 3 #search isotope peak offsets. 0=off, 1=one offset, 2=two offsets, 3=three offsets prefer_precursor_pred = 2 #prefer precursor mono mass predicted by instrument software. # 0 = ignore previous predictions # 1 = use only previous predictions # 2 = supplement predictions with additional analysis spectrum_processing = 1 #0 = no, 1 = collapse MS2 isotope distributions to a single monoisotopic peak. min_spectrum_peaks = 20 #minimum peaks in a MS2 scan to be searched. max_spectrum_peaks = 0 #maximum number of MS2 peaks to use during analysis. 0 uses all peaks. min_peptide_length = 6 #minimum number of amino acids per peptide searched. max_peptide_length = 50 #maximum number of amino acids per peptide searched. min_peptide_mass = 500.0 #minimum allowed peptide mass in Daltons. max_peptide_mass = 4000.0 #maximum allowed peptide mass in Daltons. # # Reporter Ions # reporter_ion_threshold = 10.0 #relative MS2 abundance threshold for reporter ions. #reporter_ion = 160.04 #list as many MS2 reporter ion m/z values as desired, one per line. #reporter_ion = 311.00 #reporter_ion = 470.03 # # Diagnostics: Only recommended for advanced users. If enabled, a diagnostic XML file is output with the Magnum results. # # diagnostic = 502 #diagnose intermediate peptide calculations for any scan number. # diagnostic = 503 #list multiple MS2 scan numbers, one per line. # diagnostic = -1 #or specify -1 to diagnose all MS2 scans. top_count = 5 #number of lines of candidate peptides to diagnose per precursor prediction per MS2 scan. truncate_prot_names = 0 #Shorten protein names to just the first number of characters, 0 = off