{"status": "ok", "totalResults": 62, "articles": [{"source": {"id": null, "name": "Moneycontrol"}, "author": "Moneycontrol News", "title": "ITC Q1 profit jumps 33% to Rs 4,462 crore; revenue rises 39% - Moneycontrol", "description": "Revenue from operations stood at Rs 19,831.27 crore, up 39.25 percent from Rs 14,240.76 crore logged in the same quarter last year.", "url": "https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/earnings/itc-q1-profit-jumps-33-to-rs-4462-crore-revenue-rises-39-8931441.html", "urlToImage": "https://images.moneycontrol.com/static-mcnews/2022/06/ITC-770x433.png", "publishedAt": "2022-08-01T11:54:45Z", "content": "Diversified conglomerate ITC on August 1 said its net profit on a consolidated basis for the quarter ended June 2022 (Q1FY23) came in at Rs 4,462.25 crore, up 33.46 percent against Rs 3,343.44 crore \u2026 [+1031 chars]"}, {"source": {"id": null, "name": "Investing.com"}, "author": "Investing.com", "title": "China Slows, Ukraine Grain Ship, Shale Earnings - What's Moving Markets By Investing.com - Investing.com", "description": "China Slows, Ukraine Grain Ship, Shale Earnings - What's Moving Markets", "url": "https://www.investing.com/news/economy/china-slows-ukraine-grain-ship-shale-earnings--whats-moving-markets-2859188", "urlToImage": "https://i-invdn-com.investing.com/news/LYNXNPEB9811D_L.jpg", "publishedAt": "2022-08-01T10:39:00Z", "content": "By Geoffrey Smith\r\nInvesting.com -- China's economy slowed again in July, suggesting a rocky road to full recovery. PMIs from around the world point to a generalized slowdown except in India. Stocks \u2026 [+4195 chars]"}, {"source": {"id": null, "name": "Moneycontrol"}, "author": "Shubham Raj", "title": "Is Tata Motors' target of being debt-free by FY24 achievable? - Moneycontrol", "description": "In the most recent earnings, even though the domestic business performed well, overall performance was poor due to losses at JLR.", "url": "https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/is-tata-motors-target-of-being-debt-free-by-fy24-achievable-8930381.html", "urlToImage": "https://images.moneycontrol.com/static-mcnews/2020/07/CJLR-e1595532739617-696x435.jpg", "publishedAt": "2022-08-01T10:38:06Z", "content": "Tata Motors has been promising its investors a\u00a0net-zero automotive debt by fiscal year 2024\u00a0for quite some time. Tata Sons chairman\u00a0N Chandrasekaran also said that at the company's AGM last year. And\u2026 [+4390 chars]"}, {"source": {"id": "the-times-of-india", "name": "The Times of India"}, "author": "Saurabh Sinha", "title": "Air India prepares for mega fleet expansion: Pilots to fly till 65 years of age, not retire them at 58 - Times of India", "description": "India Business News: Preparing for a major fleet expansion, Air India \u2014 which used to retire pilots at 58 \u2014 is now going to give selected pilots an extension for another f", "url": "https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/ai-prepares-for-mega-fleet-expansion-pilots-to-fly-till-65-years-of-age-not-retire-them-at-58/articleshow/93273106.cms", "urlToImage": "https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-93273085,width-1070,height-580,imgsize-28288,resizemode-75,overlay-toi_sw,pt-32,y_pad-40/photo.jpg", "publishedAt": "2022-08-01T10:35:00Z", "content": "Eye on fleet expansion, Air India offers to re-hire retired pilots for 5 yrsMUMBAI: Tata Group-owned Air India has sent job offer letters to around 55 pilots who retired in the past four years as the\u2026 [+174 chars]"}, {"source": {"id": null, "name": "NDTV News"}, "author": null, "title": "5G Spectrum Auction Ends With Record Bids Of Over 1.5 Lakh Crore: 10 Points - NDTV Profit", "description": "India's biggest ever auction of airwaves ended today, with a record of over Rs 1.5 lakh crore worth of spectrum being sold, According news agency Press Trust of India. Mukesh Ambani's Jio emerged as the top bidder to consolidate its leadership position.", "url": "https://www.ndtv.com/business/5g-spectrum-auction-ends-with-record-bids-of-over-1-5-lakh-crore-10-points-3213344", "urlToImage": "https://c.ndtvimg.com/2022-07/tm3tc0l8_image_625x300_31_July_22.jpg", "publishedAt": "2022-08-01T10:11:11Z", "content": "